Easy through the tax return [Anzeige]
On average, taxpayers in Germany receive back 1,072 euros in tax refunds. The problem: Not everyone knows how to properly fill out a tax return to reach that amount. The Tax Tips app playfully guides you through the forms and you can create your tax return within minutes. We’ll show you how the app works.
Tax returns are that easy
Maybe you know this: The most difficult thing about the tax return is to first understand which information you have to enter in which field. Tax German is complicated and difficult to understand for normal citizens without the appropriate knowledge. This is where the Steuertipps app comes in. Complicated tax German becomes understandable language and the inhibition threshold in front of the supposedly incomprehensible forms decreases.
In order for the tax to work, the app uses understandable language, an intuitive user interface and a modern, comprehensible design.
The tax tips app also makes it easy to submit proof. Income tax statements can either be photographed in the app or stored as a scan. The app records the values from the documents automatically and as if by itself.
The new Tax Tips app (Image: Tax Tips)
Tax tips app soon for married couples and families
The tax tips app from Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting Germany is currently available to unmarried and childless individuals. In the near future, however, it will also guide families, married couples and single parents level by level through the areas of the tax return that are relevant for the respective persons.
If you are not sure whether an entry is correct, the app will also help you. Because it checks all entries to see whether they are plausible. You will also receive tips on the respective area that you are working on. So that you always have the most important thing – the high score – in view, the amount of the expected tax refund is displayed at each step.
Free to the high score – only the delivery costs
It is not always worth submitting a tax return for those who do not have to comply with this obligation. That’s why you can use your “high score” to decide for yourself whether you want to submit your tax return to the tax office via the app or not.
Until you submit your tax return, the optimized version for iOS 12.0 and Android 7.0 will cost you Tax Tips app not a dime. Only when you decide to send the forms directly to the tax office via the app do you pay EUR 34.99 per tax return submitted.