
E-cars for the environment: These models get top marks

CO2-free driving is the sales argument for e-cars. But which models perform best? The Green NCAP experts have now determined this. One looks for German e-cars among the top rankings in vain.

Green NCAP test: These EVs are better choices for the environment

Anyone who drives an e-car wants to do something good for the climate and the environment. It is not for nothing that the positive environmental aspect is one of the main reasons for many buyers to switch to electric cars. The question then arises: Which manufacturer or which model should you buy? The experts from Green NCAP have been examining cars for their environmental impact since 2019 – recently also by analyzing the environmental impact over the entire life cycle.

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In their current investigation, secure themselves seven e-cars a top ranking, four of which achieve a perfect score. With 10 out of 10 possible points, the following models are the best choice from an environmental point of view:

  • Fiat 500 Electric (42 kWh battery capacity): 10.0 points
  • Hyundai Kona e (39 kWh): 10.0 points
  • Renault Zoe R110 ZE (52 kWh): 10.0 points
  • Nissan Leaf e+ (62 kWh): 10.0 points
  • Lexus UX 300e (54.3 kWh): 9.9 points
  • VW ID.3 (58 kWh): 9.9 points
  • Ford Mustang Mach-E: 9.8 points

The Hyundai Nexo is the first non-battery-electric model with a rating of 9.1 and a hydrogen fuel cell. The best rated hybrid is the Toyota Prius in the plug-in version with only 7.1 out of possible points (source: Green NCAP via ADAC).

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ADAC: Green NCAP test has strengths and weaknesses for e-cars

For the test, the Green NCAP determines, among other things, realistic consumption values ​​for the respective cars. In the case of e-cars, the ADAC primarily raises the endurance test at -7 °C, whose results would only have brought the small differences at the top to light. According to the Green NCAP, the investigation was limited to 61 popular models. While VW is already there, Tesla is still on the sidelines.

Switching to an e-car can also be profitable for cost reasons:

However, the ADAC points out a flaw in the Green NCAP study: For e-cars, the assessment does not take into account where the electricity comes from and how it comes about. That means: If the Stromer were operated with 100 percent coal-fired electricity, there would still be top marks. The Green NCAP also points out that you yourself no rating for better or worse makes. The scoring serves to inform potential buyers.

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