
Dot and Reader, 2 Czech CovidPass applications. When will he arrive?

Czech version CovidPass The application was originally scheduled to arrive in the second half of June, what will eventually be its fate is unknown. Now, however, information has appeared about other CovidPass applications that will be available in the Czech Republic, they will be called Dot and Reader. What are the two applications for which there is a pun behind the names, and will be used for when do we download them?

Dot and Reader

Application Tečka will serve ordinary people for storing an unlimited number of coronavirus certificates about a COVID-19 disease, vaccinated or tested. In one phone we will be able to keep certificates of the whole family. But it can also be used elsewhere. In his application, he will be able to have all the certificates of his charges, for example, a leader at the camp or a teacher on a school excursion. The dot should be downloadable from the Google Play store pro Android i AppStore pro iOS at the end of June.

COVID-19! – The current spread of disease

Purpose of the application Reader it follows from its name. With this program will be officials read and validate coronavirus certificates about a COVID-19 disease, vaccinated or tested. At the moment, the Reader is pre-approved in both the above-mentioned application stores and its final testing is underway. Unlike Dot, however, it will be available already next week, i.e. in the range from 14 to 20 June 2021.

Dot and reader covidpass application covid-19 coronavirus covid passport illustration

Final appearance Covidpas is already in full swing European Parliament. Thanks to this, CovidPass will be accepted all European countries Union, and already from the first of July. Until now, only certificates of past COVID-19 disease, vaccination or testing have been issued in the Czech Republic, which, however, accepted by only seven EU countries. If you want to download the certificate in PDF form and view it on your phone, you can use our instructions.

vaccination certificate covid-19 coronavirus vaccination certificate in mobile

New mobile vaccination certificate. How to download and view it?

Instructions Miroslav Selz

Miroslav Selz

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) reading: 3 min. saved save for later 3 min.