Does the gas heater work during a blackout?
Millions of people have installed a gas boiler, which not only operates the heating but also produces hot water. But what happens if there really is a blackout or regional power failure? Does the gas heater still work? No, as it turns out.
Why a gas heater does not work in the event of a power failure
Many people believe that gas heating works without electricity and so they feel very safe in the event of a power failure. But the assumption is wrong, because a gas heater actually requires a relatively large amount of electricity to be operated. The energy is needed to start the burner and pump that heat and distribute the water. If the electricity fails, the gas boiler and thus the heating will not work either. The power consumption should not be underestimated. There are costs of around 100 euros per year (source: heating saver). However, this varies greatly depending on the age of the spa and the electricity costs.
It is therefore often worth replacing the pump with a more efficient model that consumes less energy. Although this investment initially costs some money, it will be recouped over the years and the ever increasing electricity prices. If you have a gas boiler, you should find out from the heating engineer what options there are for optimization. However, if there is no battery storage connected to the house network that can supply the gas boiler with electricity, then it will not work either.
Danger: If the gas heater fails, don’t get the idea of using a gas-powered radiant heater in closed rooms. This is life threatening.
A solar generator can provide you with electricity for the essentials in the event of a power failure:
How high is the risk of a blackout in Germany?
Only recently, the head of the Federal Office for Civil Protection (BBK), Ralph Tiesler, caused a stir when he said that regional blackouts and power outages must be expected from January 2023. Civil protection later qualified the statement. The Federal Network Agency also sees no great danger. Germany has one of the most secure power grids in the world and therefore there should be no power outages in winter.