
Deutsche Bahn before the end? Experts call for radical measures

Almost everyone who has recently traveled by train knows that Deutsche Bahn is facing serious problems. But not only the delays are at an all-time high. A lot of things don’t run smoothly on the railway. Experts are now demanding drastic consequences and want to break up Deutsche Bahn.

End for the DB? Experts call for division of Deutsche Bahn

Deutsche Bahn was to be broken up into its component parts. This is recommended by the Monopolies Commission, which supports the federal government with its work. Instead of combining the operation of the rail network and the transport of people and goods under one roof, as has been the case up to now, the current group should be split up.

The expert commission is thus supporting a push by the opposition Union. Therefore “outweigh the advantages of a complete separation of infrastructure and transport divisions”, said Jürgen Kühling, chairman of the monopoly commission, to the Süddeutsche Zeitung (via ZDF).

In this way, two separate companies are to be created, of which the one responsible for the infrastructure could operate under the hands of the federal government. The Union parties CDU and CSU had pleaded for a federal infrastructure GmbH. The traffic light coalition, on the other hand, is currently planning to bundle the infrastructure areas into an infrastructure company.

In this way, Deutsche Bahn should become a company that focuses on a functioning and busy network concentrate. It would in turn be independent of the transport companies using this network. The former transport branch of the railway would also belong to them. There would then no longer be an incentive to hinder competitors that’s the idea.

DB recently presented its new flagship, the ICE L:

Deutsche Bahn presents the ICE L

According to the Union’s proposal, local and long-distance transport as well as goods transport would remain with the railways. The responsibility for the network, stations and the energy sector of the DB would be part of the infrastructure GmbH. It is still open whether the former state-owned company will be broken up and DB will go half a roll backwards.

DB in crisis: Difficult years await train drivers

The problems are currently piling up on the railways: According to the Federal Audit Office, there are already over 30 billion euros in debt have accumulated. It doesn’t look rosy for the passengers either: there have never been more delays than in the past year, and the trend is rising. In addition, that is potentially biggest mess for years to come when many important long-distance routes have to be renovated.

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