CO2 meter prevents you from poisoning yourself
As a human being, you breathe on average about 840 grams of oxygen in 2 and more than a kilo of CO2 per day. It is therefore wise to ventilate on time, especially in winter. A CO2 meter gives you a signal when it is a good idea to open the window.
What is a CO2 meter?
CO2 is a welcome gas for plants, but for us humans it is a waste product. And unless you live in a large greenhouse, you will have to deal with CO2 accumulation in your home. This is easy to solve by opening the window every now and then, but it is useful to know when. Because gas is expensive. And that includes a CO2 meter.
Why is measuring CO2 important?
In 2023, the CO2 content in the outside air will be around 420 ppm. Before the Industrial Revolution it was much less, below 300 ppm, and during the last ice age even as little as 180 ppm. But we can also breathe air with 400 ppm CO2 just fine.
It will be different if the CO2 levels start to rise above 1000 ppm. It then becomes more difficult for our body to get rid of the CO2 and the hemoglobin in our blood becomes increasingly saturated with CO2, so that we can absorb less oxygen. You notice this by a drowsy feeling and a reduced concentration. The last thing you obviously want to have at home when you are concentrating on a rush job. Or for your children, if they have to do homework.
Headache, dizziness and loss of concentration
The very first symptoms have already been identified at 700 ppm. In the most pessimistic emissions scenario, we will reach that 700 ppm a little after 2100.
This is also an argument to ensure that CO2 levels in the outside air do not rise too far: apart from the effects on the climate, it is also not healthy for us humans. We poison ourselves that way.
At very high CO2 levels, around 2000 ppm or more, the complaints worsen. At 5000 ppm serious complaints arise and there is also the risk of death. In short: you want to know in time that the CO2 content in your home or office is too high, so that you can ventilate.

How does a CO2 meter work?
Modern CO2 meters use two different operating principles. The first principle is chemical absorption to a polymer layer. The higher the CO2 concentration, the more CO2 molecules stick to the sensitive polymer.
A second, more accurate principle is by measuring with infrared radiation (NDIR). You cannot see infrared radiation, but you can feel it as heat. CO2 absorbs infrared radiation very well. This is also the reason that it is such a strong greenhouse gas and that a lot of CO2 causes the earth to warm up. The device sends an infrared beam through the air to a highly sensitive infrared photocell. The more CO2 in the air, the less infrared radiation reaches the photocell.
The best CO2 meter
In general, CO2 meters with an NDIR system are the most accurate and best. Do you really want a top model? Then count on more than a hundred euros. You can often also read this via an app with your smartphone.
Many CO2 meters also contain a hygrometer. This allows you to measure the humidity, which is also a problem in enclosed spaces. Above eighty percent humidity, fungi seize their chance, so you should definitely ventilate. It is therefore best to choose a model that also has a hygrometer. Before you buy a CO2 meter, pay attention to the user reviews. Don’t buy a device with less than 4 out of 5 stars, or from an unknown brand with hardly any reviews.