Callisto Protocol: Find data bios collectibles
In Callisto Protocol you can find a total of 43 data bios collectibles. These are chip implants, some of which contain audio logs that tell you more about what is happening on Jupiter’s moon Europa. At this point we show you all locations of the data bios collectible for the achievement “Reaper”.
Platforms:Windows PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X
Find all data bios implants
All collectibles of this type are missable in the course of the game! After the eight-chapter story, there is no chapter select through which you can collect missed data bios implants. So if you miss one, you have to start a new game and collect everything again, if you “Reaper” want to unlock one of the Callisto Protocol trophies and achievements.
For this reason you should create a manual save at the beginning of each chapter and regularly check whether collected collectibles have really been unlocked in the data bios menu. If not, load the manual save or one of the last auto saves so you don’t miss anything. Also always listen to the audio logs for most of the implants.
The achievement or trophy should unlock after Data Bios #42 “Edward Bates: Experiment” if you haven’t missed any collectibles beforehand. #43 is not necessary for the achievement. Below we list you the locations of all data bios chips broken down by chapter so you don’t miss any.
Chapter 1: Cargo
#1 Jacob Lee: Jacob’s Jobs
Right at the beginning of the game when you can move around the ship with Jacob for the first time. Go through the first door on the left and grab the implant from the shelf on the left.
Chapter 2: Outbreak
#2 dr Caitlyn Mahler: Mahler’s appointment
In Operating Room M112 after dodging the sentry robot. Right next to where you can get the fuse.
#3 Elias Porter: Elias’ expectation
After returning to the cell block, you will find this implant in Elias’ cell.
#4 Cpt. Leon Ferris: Ferris’ lawsuit
Right after the cutscene with Cpt. Ferris you will find the implant in front of you on the table.
Chapter 3: Aftermath
#5 Sgt. Eric Jane: Locked door
Do you have to automatically remove from the dead guard in the course of the mission, which is in front of a broken guard robot.
#6 Ofc. Pruitt Matos: Laundry
Within the “Laundry B202” room you can either go left or right. Take the path to the right up to “Office B112”. Here’s a corpse with the implant.
#7 Duncan Cole: Secret Room 1
Now take the left path in the laundry and open the door in front of you. Then crawl through the shaft on the right and follow the longer path to the secret room with the implant on the desk at the end.
#8 dr Ewan Hayes: Med. Laboratory Outbreak
Go back to the main path and enter “Maintenance B414”. From here you can enter “Medical Ward C101”. There’s a corpse with the implant lying on the ground right in front of you.
#9 Ofc. Badger Symmons: Hanged Warden
After getting the GRP, you will come to a red-lit room with lots of hanging corpses. The corpse with the implant is on the floor in the middle of the room.
#10 Ofc. Kerry Brown
After the elevator crash, grab this implant from the corpse near the big fan in the basement.
#11 Tadhg Song
After crossing to the other side with the three monsters waiting for you, you can then climb up to the left onto an elevated level with two fuse boxes. Here’s the body with the implant.
#12 Dani Nakamura
After the cutscene where Dani locks you in the cell, you will find the implant right behind you in the cell.
Chapter 4: Habitat
#13 dr Caitlyn Mahler: corrupter
Before the room with the inscription “Purification B H207” you can climb to the left over a crate onto a raised platform. Here you can find the implant near the chest.
#14 Ofc. Bruno Vorenus: Wired
In the next area with the two fuse boxes is a corpse with an implant near the exit on the other side.
#15 dr Jae Moon Bell: Cocoons
At the junction where you can either go to the “Water Control H262” or the “Storage Hall H239”, choose the Storage Hall. At the end you come through a decontamination chamber that leads you to the implant.
#16 Ofc. James Reese: Radio Warden
Do you have to take it automatically in the room with the tentacled enemy in the course of the story?
#17 Sgt. Bill Pekelo
You also have to take it in the story in the “Botanical H625” area so that you can progress.
#18 Ofc. James Reese: Guardroom
Before interacting with the console, first go to the “Botanical H264” area to the end for this implant.
#19 Ofc. Kyle Serra: Evacuation
After going back outside and reaching the utility area on the other side, you can open a door here on the left. At the end you will find the data bios here.
Chapter 5: Lost
#20 Miranda Kristofich: Terraform
After the cutscene with Dani and Elias, don’t go right into the building at the outpost, but walk straight to the end to find this implant.
#21 Richard Cids
You have to take it automatically in story progression after the bigger fight in the snow field after the doors have opened.
#22 dr Caitlyn Mahler: Combustors
After reaching the tunnels you crawl under rubble into an area where you can either go left or right. First choose the left path to reach the data bios.
#23 Lt. Devon Wayne: Close the gate
After the cutscene where Dani gave you the riot shotgun, run up the stairs in front of you to find this implant on a corpse on the ground.
#24 Ofc. Aaron Taycho
You have to take it in the story within the “Prisoner Transfer 408” area. Here a corpse with the data bios is blocking a mechanism.
#25 Max Barrow: Max’s concern
After reaching your crashed spaceship, you will find this implant in the second room on the left.
#26 Sgt. Scott Dvitny: Eradication
After entering the large hangar through the gap in the gate, check the truck loading area on the right to find this data bios.
#27 dr Caitlyn Mahler: Shipments
In the area with the many broken sentry robots you can find this implant in a corner while Dani is calling the elevator.
Chapter 6: Below
#28 dr Sheehan Yune: Outside Protocol 1
After freeing yourself from the cables hanging upside down with Jacob and killing the enemy, you will find the data bios in the next room on the workbench.
#29 dr Sheehan Yune: Outer Protocol 2
In the corridor after the area with the four blind enemies and the snakehead enemy in the cocoon you’ll find the implant on some crates on the left.
#30 dr Sheehan Yune: Outside Protocol 3
After using the key card to the power tunnels, instead of going straight down, go right to the end of the corridor to find the implant.
#31 Yannick Sage: Secret Room 2
Before you enter the Power Reactor room, squeeze through the rocks to the left of it and follow the longer path until you come to another secret room with this implant.
#32 Arden Jeddha: Arca’s Evacuation
After the boss fight against the two-headed, leave the platform and follow the path. You can find the data bios on the corpse on the ground just before leaving the area.
Chapter 7: Colony
#33 Alex Wang: Miner’s Protocol 1
You can find it right at the beginning of the chapter. Go down the stairs and then look left for the corpse with the data bios.
#34 Derryn Barr: Miner’s Protocol 2
After Dani tells you to meet her at the tower, go into the room on the left and grab the data bios from the shelf.
#35 Derryn Barr: Miner’s Protocol 3
In the next area with the blind monsters, climb up the ladder and enter the unlocked room on the right with another implant.
#36 Yannick Sage: The mole
After the next elevator ride towards Hightown, this corpse with an implant is right in front of you on the ground.
#37 Buidhe Reddwork: Hightown
Immediately after the last collectible, run up the stairs and examine the first house on the right to find this data bio.
#38 Ji-Kwan Park: Miner’s Protocol 4
After the next door, which you open with a fuse, you will find this implant on the ground near the crafting station.
#39 Duncan Cole: Disagreement
After the boss fight against Ferris and a longer cutscene with Dani, you will find the data bios on a crate to the right in front of you.
Chapter 8: Tower
#40 dr Tala Ismene: Observation
After the second boss fight against a two-headed, the door with the fuse will open. Go left and you’ll find the implant at the end of the hallway.
#41 dr Tala Ismene: Away
While searching for another fuse you come through a shaft. Go up the stairs on the right to collect the data bios at the end.
#42 Edward Bates: Experiment
After another fight against a two-headed, the voice of Dr. Mahler and goes through the door at her request. Here the implant is on the right on a box. If you have previously collected all the data bios collectibles, the trophy “Grim Reaper” now unlocks.
#43 Duncan Cole: Cole’s victory
After the elevator ride in the tower you will find the last collectible on a table in the back left corner of the first large room.
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