Bitcoin on the rise: another bullrun in 2022? How to take advantage of it?
If you follow cryptocurrency news even remotely, you know that the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 have been very cruel for investors. But since mid-March, the market has been picking up again: despite the war on our doorstep, the return of the Covid in China and the promises of “regulation”, the locomotive of the sector is restarting. Bitcoin is indeed around $47,000 while it had fallen to less than $35,000 last January…
Green indicators
The other good surprise is the general capitalization of the crypto market which has taken more than 400 billion in the last two weeks. The indicators are green and it’s a safe bet that during the course of this year the market will return to, or even exceed, its highest level of 2021. The “altcoins” are following the movement with Ethereum at $3,400 (+37 % since January) and a Solana at $135 (+33%). We are still a long way off considering that at their highest levels, ETH was above $4600 and SOL was verging on $260.
Even if we must remain cautious, especially in such a volatile market, we may be at the start of a new “bull market”: a phase where prices will soar. And if you missed the previous “trains”, now is the time to stamp your ticket…
For the past 30 days, the numbers have been up everywhere (BTC, ETH, SOL, etc.), but they are still far from their 2021 maximum level. There is money to be made!
Don’t miss the “crypto” train of 2022!
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana? Not sure which cryptocurrency to choose? Whatever your choice, you can acquire the main cryptos on the market at Coinhouse. This French platform, which is accredited by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (MFA) has been around since 2014. It’s a very good starting point for new buyers, because you can get cryptos immediately and you don’t need any special knowledge to store them since your capital is secure on the servers. from Coinhouse. The interface is clear, in French and the site offers to see market developments at a glance.
You should also know that at Binance right now you will receive $100 reward if you open an account with a deposit of at least $50 (or equivalent in euros). To take advantage of it, just use this link.