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Benjamin Button: a tech entrepreneur tries to rejuvenate by following an experimental protocol

At the top of the food chain of the globally deregulated market economy, there are more and more often tech moguls, millionaires or billionaires who dream of a world of SF primarily cut out for the wealthiest 10%. from the population: futuristic electric cars costing the price of a small apartment, space tourism, to electronic devices whose very sharply rising prices increasingly seem to be eyeing CSP++ alone. The only hitch in this new economy for the rich, the ultra-fast (and free) deployment of AIs of the type ChatGPT Or Slab, which perhaps explains why part of this financial elite seems to be moved that everyone can have access to it without being part of the Gold card club. Let’s move on…

Our new libertarian Tony Starks also often dream of immortality or eternal youth, like Bryan Johnson, a 45-year-old American CEO at the head of the Kernel company (specializing in work on brain activity). Johnson does not want to die (like everyone or almost so…) but went a step further by launching Blueprint, an experimental protocol whose objective is the rejuvenation of body cells, way Benjamin Button. Basically, nothing as revolutionary as that since the protocol mainly consists of drastically following a specific diet and doing certain physical activities on a daily basis.

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We wince a little more when we learn that this protocol was established by the Dr. Oliver Zolmanspecialist in regenerative medicine (but WTF !) and founder of 20one Consulting Ltd, and that the diet in question is strictly vegan (1977 calories per day all the same…). Add to that a magic potion of many food supplements armored with antioxidants (turmeric, lithium, lycopene, metformin, zinc, etc.), a few pills (melatonin) and we would obtain the unstoppable recipe for rejuvenation, and therefore life (almost) eternal. And because ridicule at least has the merit of not prematurely aging, our rejuvenation guru also wears blue-light blocking glasses before going to sleep and pays great attention to his physical appearance in the form of a ” ever less revolutionary recipe, ie seven skin creams a day, regular peeling sessions or even…laser treatments!

The good Dr. Zolman was of course himself in charge of monitoring the various biological markers of our guinea pig entrepreneur, and unsurprisingly, Bryan Johnson would have looked younger! The press release delivered to the American media goes no further and announces that Johnson now has the heart of a 37-year-old man, the skin of a 28-year-old, the lung capacity of an 18-year-old. , and the nocturnal erections of a 17-year-old teenager! At this stage we do not really know if we should be amazed or if it is better to laugh, but even if the results were to be proven (by someone other than a specialist in regenerative medicine for example …), it is hard to see who would want to impose this discipline of iron (titanium rather) for just a few years less on the clock…

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