Attacks on Facebook continue. New documents show the dark side of the network
It all started thanks to an article in The Wall Street Journal. However, since the first revelation, the series has continued and the American daily Facebook is not sparing. The news targets the neglected protection of children, which is a sensitive topic and a big problem for Facebook.
Facebook folders
The whole story has only recently begun, but it is already clear from the reactions of American lawmakers that it will be difficult to play until lost. The Wall Street Journal has a page called Facebook files and regularly leaks internal data also with a link to the internal setting and attitude to these topics. And it is the knowledge of managers about the whole problem, which is even analyzed in many presentations and subsequently trivialized and unresolved, that causes negative reactions.
As we have already written, everyone is most interested in the text by which Facebook has analyzed the negative impact of its Instagram on children, especially teenagers. Instagram did its own surveys, and individual data and findings follow from them, which, despite strict protection and internal character, arouse current passions and reactions towards Facebook. The number 32% indicates the number of young girls who, due to their account and activity on Instagram, began to feel bad from their bodies. There have also been allegations of increased anxiety and depression, one of the results of the survey. And a small percentage even have an opinion about suicidal thoughts, with Instagram tracking being the source.
Facebook says internal surveys suggest improving mental health
The paradox was, as Mark Zuckerberg v In March of this year, he told a commission of the US Congress that it was internal surveys of the company that indicated an improvement in mental health. Thanks to active Instagram tracking, many people do not feel lonely. Now comes the reaction of the Instagram management. Although it lasted longer, it was still necessary to think about how to conceive it. And the result, of course, is that the articles in The Wall Street Journal are distorted. However, more time is needed for the results to be analyzed and understood correctly.
More about Facebook on
Now the fight between Facebook and Instagram will move into the halls of American lawmakers, which will not be an easy opponent. Leaked data is available and especially the internal employees who participated in the discovery are ready to testify. Everything is moving towards a single goal, which should be a change in legislation. And it can interfere with the hitherto free thinking of Facebook and Instagram, how to set up their applications. It follows from the statements that the analyzes are done consistently so that the employees for the management describe and evaluate the situation. As a result, however, there is no interest in enforcing stricter measures to regulate and protect children, as profit-making is still in the first place. And this thinking will be almost impossible to change.
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