Apple is once again the second largest smartphone maker
The facts are stubborn. While a few rare analysts told us about sales ofiPhone 13/13 Pro down, the figures published by Apple have squared things: if we are indeed to believe the estimates ofIDC, iPhone sales were a hit during the third quarter to the point that Apple signs the biggest increase in the mobile sector (+ 20.8%). With 50.4 million iPhones sold over the period, Apple regains its position as the second mobile manufacturer, a stone’s throw from Xiaomi (44.3 million devices sold and a 4.6% drop in sales). Samsung is still quite far ahead (69 million Galaxy sold), but the trend is the (heavy) decline (-14.2%). Vivo and OPPO complete this global top 5, of which Huawei has not been a part for two quarters already.
Overall, Apple is in solid health as smartphone sales plunged 6.7% over the period compared to last year. This drop in sales is believed to be partly due to the numerous tensions on the supply chains (supply chain), tensions that Apple would have managed to better manage thanks to its privileged links with many suppliers.