‘After two sons, I became pregnant with the third, which immediately turned out to be a fourth’
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They look like a duo from a comic book and never leave each other alone. These multiple births are inseparable.
Marielle (45): “After two sons (13 and 11), I got pregnant with the third, who immediately turned out to be a fourth. Lucas and Thomas (8) look like a duo from a comic book: they are inseparable. Where one goes, the other goes.
Eternal Bouncer
Yet it sometimes leads to conflicts of loyalty in others. When a classmate only wants to invite Thomas to a birthday party, for example, while Lucas is rarely asked. They don’t have any problems with that themselves: in the evening they just love each other in their bunk beds. To which Lucas throws in his eternal bounce: ‘You take most of your friends, later I’ll run off with all the women.’”
Also read – The teacher: ‘This is why I decided to place twins in separate classes’ >
Our baby
Antje (35): “Quite busy yes, triplets of 4. Although Romy and Lisa could be the older sisters of their brother Nick, because they treat him like their baby. He lets that rest in peace. When I am in my bedroom for a while, they have dressed him in his room in diaper pants, a dress and a hydrophilic diaper on his head. “He’s not a baby doll, is he?” I say. ‘No,’ I get, ‘he’s our baby.’ That’s what happens when they’re teenagers; with such patronizing sisters he never learns to fry an egg on his own.”
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