Advertising in Prime Video movies was a mistake
Advertising in films on Prime Video not wanted, according to Amazon. (Image: pixinoo / Shutterstock)
For years, Amazon has been playing advertisements to subscribers in its Prime Video streaming service – before films and series. Now there should have been advertising in the middle of films. A mistake, says Amazon.
Before films and series on Prime Video, Amazon had been advertising for over five years. When opening the Prime Video app on smartphones and tablets, users must also watch an advertising clip before the application starts. Most of these are trailers for Prime Video content. The clips can also be skipped. In the past few days, according to user reports, advertisements have now also appeared during films. According to Amazon, it should have been a mistake.
“Unintentional” playback of advertising trailers
A corresponding Statement to according to “in individual cases” during the playback of films to an “unintentional” playback of advertising trailers. Unlike some users who want to have observed, according to Amazon, no advertising was played during series. By the way, the advertising in the films came when you had stopped the film in between and wanted to continue it later. The film only continued after watching or skipping the clips, as reported by
Meanwhile, Amazon has not explained why it took so long to recognize this error. In the meantime, the display of the trailers should have been stopped again during the films. It therefore does not seem to have been a test. Meanwhile, Amazon will not move away from displaying advertisements before films and series. The company says: “Amazon occasionally uses skippable trailers before or after Prime Video content to draw customers’ attention to new series and films”. The company does not advertise for external companies, as Amazon announced.
Missing reference to advertising in Prime Video
When it comes to advertisements, Amazon is the only one among the providers of streaming services. Netflix or Disney, for example, do without advertising with their paying subscribers. In addition, Amazon does not indicate to those interested in a Prime Video subscription that they are being shown advertising despite payment, as criticizes.