
A new operation Riptide -apkrig starts in Counter-Strik

The developers from Valve have prepared another big update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive from 2012, already traditionally dressed in the guise of a new operation. The one that withdrew during the night for players with automatic updates enabled on Steam is called Riptide, and judging by the first responses, it hit the players’ taste. It adds a lot of interesting things beyond the expected battle pass with rewards or new skins. There are also other new maps, more sophisticated match management, resp. their filtering and, last but not least, the ballistic shield, following the smiling era of the tactical shield from previous versions of Counter-Strike.

All information is collected by the developers on the official website of the new operation, which first attracts new skins for individuals agenty terrorists and anti-terrorists. The players are, of course, joking that one of the new characters – Captain Crasswater – is basically just an unofficial version of John Ramb, while others add a little ironically that Counter-Strike 1.6 players would probably be very surprised by what the future of their favorite shooter will look like. It is necessary to add that some of the agents – for example Trapper Solmon or Bloody Darryl look like from a completely different game and from a completely different studio. But let’s leave personal preferences aside, after all, no one forces anyone to own new skins and start matches with them from now on. What’s more, some are quite successful and until recently relatively sterile gameplay can refresh in a pleasant way.

Another part that developers focus on are private matches, in which only selected friends can compete against each other. Although, of course, it was possible to lock your own lobby and not let anyone in outside, playing a match against another group of specifically selected players was only possible on their own servers. However, with the release of the new update, Valve allows you to create your own private queue to participate in the match, based on a unique code that everyone can generate. In addition, if you have a group on Steam, it already has its own code for private games, which could be useful, for example, for streamers who invite their spectators to matches, or for those who no longer enjoy playing against cheaters and simply want to compare forces with each other. It’s also nice to watch that Valve tries to reach those players who don’t have that much time for a competitive match, but still want to play a bit. more seriously. A filter is prepared for them to choose a long game for 16 winning rounds and a short game for only 9 rounds. And the rules of Deathmatch also change slightly, which you can continue to play classically – that is, for teams with an emphasis on your own score, as well as for teams with a mass score, or everyone against everyone.

If you play Counter-Strike regularly, you will also be interested in changes in gameplay, which are not many, but they are quite important for that. As the headline in this report reveals, Valve allows players to discard unused grenades or other throwing items, just as you would with rifles or pistols. This option is available in most modes and is likely to gradually become part of the goal. To some extent, there will undoubtedly be changes in the approach to team economics and tactics, because it will potentially be possible to use more grenades or molotovs in one match than would be possible to buy before the start of the match so far. The tactics will undoubtedly be influenced by the intervention legendary maps of Dust 2, on which it is no longer possible to shoot terrorists from the spawn of terrorists. The vista has been replaced by a wall, so it is first necessary to jump off the ramp, which can give opponents the time they need to run through the critical point without having to use a smoke machine. The behavior of the M4 rifle rifle also changed slightly – it is a bit stronger when it hits the body, on the other hand, the Deagle bites a little less, and if you like playing cowboys, dual it costs a little less.

Operation Riptide also comes with five maps – Extraction, Insertion II, Basalt, County and Winter Ravine – on which most of the available modes can be played. However, they will become the central venue for new missions, the offer of which the developers tried to refresh with, for example, races or graffiti hunting, in addition to any order and pace. The clothing for all efforts will of course be new skins for weapons in a special Riptide box, there are also new stickers, the initially mentioned shield for casual hostage matches and finally a gradually improving badge of the whole operation, which you can boast in the coming months and years.

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