9 things to always have in your car
Whether you spend your life on the road or are one of those little drivers who only take their car out once a month, certain objects are very useful and must always be on hand. So what are these essentials that should always be in your car? Here is the list of 9 things to always have in the trunk.
Smartphone charger
Of course, you have your phone with you. And what to do when you find yourself without battery, far from home? Having a charger in your car is a wise precaution, both for keeping up to date with what your co-workers are up to on social media, and for making an emergency call. There are many options, cables and adapters, to plug into a USB socket or a cigarette lighter to never see your phone go out.
The Swiss Army Knife
As MacGyver taught us, you always need a Swiss army knife, just in case. Knife, pliers, toothpick, file, nail clipper… you never know when it might come in handy. This can happen to repair the damage caused by a broken nail, or to cut a blocked seat belt after an accident…
The rescue bag
An indispensable thing is a somewhat sturdy bag, such as a burlap bag, of course ready with a few spare clothes and a toilet bag, allows you to deal with all the unexpected. Not only can you go directly to sports after work, but also join your friends who have gone on an outdoor weekend in the mountains without having to go home. Or, more pragmatically, you’ll have pants to change into in case you stain yours at the restaurant…
The flashlight
When you find yourself on a new moon night in the middle of the forest, far from city lights, you realize how weak the “torch” of a smartphone is… To find the keys that have fallen out of your pocket or find your way, nothing beats a real flashlight, so keep one in the pocket of your car. And then, it allows you to make a live on Facebook worthy of the Blair Witch Project!
water and food
A bottle of water and some food can make a difference in an emergency… but also in many everyday situations. A traffic jam in the middle of summer, and we appreciate having a bottle of water in the refrigerated glove box. Or, in case of a little hunger during a long journey, you can have a bite to eat without breaking the bank to offer yourself an overpriced sandwich on a motorway service area.
Paper and pencil
Writing down an address, a telephone number or a brilliant scenario idea that should relegate the Harry Potter saga to the rank of literature of the past… Having a piece of paper and a pencil handy is always useful.
First aid kit
Again, in an emergency, the first aid kit can mean the difference between life and death. But, as with water and food, it can be useful in other, more common circumstances.
A headache, a pain in the stomach, a small cut…it happens frequently. In these cases, a kit with some medicine and thoughts in the car avoids ruining your day.
The road atlas
In the age of Smartphones and applications with real-time traffic, dad’s old road atlas seems quite outdated… and it is! But, if one day you forget your phone, you’re in an area where 4G is bad, or your GPS “went crazy”, a road map can help you reach your destination.
And then, you probably already have one somewhere: better to have it in the car than in the back of the closet!
The repair and safety kit
In the event of a breakdown, it is essential and the safety kit is also compulsory in many countries. Warning triangle, yellow vest, jack, spare wheel, snow chain, spark plugs, bulbs… its content may vary from one car to another, but it must be in your trunk!
With this equipment always tidy in your car, you will be able to face all everyday situations comfortably, but will also be prepared in the event of an accident.