650 million smartphones are expected to be sold in the first half of 2021
Smartphones are selling well, thank you for them. Digitimes Research indeed affirms that 650 million terminals were sold in the first half of the year 2021. A clear increase compared to 2020, but not yet at the level of sales of 2019.
The coronavirus pandemic took a toll on the smartphone industry in 2020, but business appears to be picking up this year. Digitimes Reaserch indeed indicates that the sales estimates for the first half of 2021 are very engaging, since 650 million terminals should be sold.
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The numbers should be similar for the rest of the year, raising this figure to 1.32 billion smartphones sold globally. Sales would thus experience a clear increase of 6.4% compared to 2020, but would still not reach the level of pre-pandemic sales. It should be noted that the market remains handicapped by a major concern: the shortage of semiconductors which slows down certain production lines, which has a logical impact on sales.
Xiaomi sees an increase in sales in 2021
Digitimes Research does not give precise figures for the sales of each of the manufacturers, but without much surprise, Samsung should still be ahead, enjoying a comfortable lead over its competitors for several years already. However, the cabinet still indicates that Xiaomi is experiencing the strongest annual growth in the market. The brand is indeed benefiting from the collapse of Huawei, which will try to get out of this bad situation with Harmony OS, but also sales of entry and mid-range smartphones. As we have seen with the Redmi Note 10, the manufacturer is very aggressive in this segment.
Finally, note that 5G is becoming more and more essential on the market, since these are 500 million compatible terminals which will be sold in 2021. It must be said that the thing is becoming more and more democratized. First reserved for the high-end, 5G chips are now found on phones at 300 euros, like the brand new OnePlus Nord CE, for example. Foldable smartphones, meanwhile, remain very marginal with a forecast of “only” 20 million units sold for the whole of 2021.