
Everything you want to know about hypnobirthing

Not familiar with hypnobirthing? Then it might sound a bit floaty. But that is not it. It is a natural process in which trust, positivity and cooperation are central. Not a ‘goat wool socks or puff course’, but a fun and practical preparation for the birth of your child.

Fear is a bad counselor and often causes tension. And that doesn’t make childbirth any easier. To ensure that tension does not get the better of you, it can help to do certain exercises and create confidence in your body. So Hypnobirthing. This has a proven positive effect on the course of your delivery, according to the Baby Op Komst platform.

Trust and control

The basis of hypnobirthing is relaxation, visualization and self-hypnosis. Both positive and negative thoughts influence your delivery. By learning to focus on breathing and deep concentration during a course, you gain confidence in and control over your delivery. Hypnobirthing helps you to be positive during your delivery so that it goes more smoothly.

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Just relax

You prefer to start with a hypnobirthing course when you are between 25 and 30 weeks pregnant. You can also start earlier. Then you have enough time to practice relaxation, visualization and self-hypnosis. During the course, you and your partner will receive an explanation about childbirth in five sessions of 2.5 hours. You get a ‘lesson’ of history and you are told why women today are (unnecessarily) afraid to give birth. You will also learn which postures have a positive effect, how to turn your bedroom or hospital room into your own place and you will learn to apply relaxation and breathing techniques. This makes it easier for you to dilate and to cope with the contractions more easily.


Not quite convinced yet and curious about the benefits of hypnobirthing? We list a few for you:

  • When you relax, endorphins are released in your body. This ensures that you experience less pain.
  • When you are relaxed, your cervix opens more smoothly.
  • Babies of mothers who apply hypnobirthing often come into the world calmer.
  • Fewer interventions (such as cutting) are required during hypnobirthing.
  • Because you keep control yourself, many mothers look back positively on the birth.
  • Your partner learns how he or she can support you properly.

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There are two sides to every story. And therefore also advantages and disadvantages. You can find the latter below:

  • The hypnobirthing course is intensive and requires a lot of time from you, you also have to work at home with breathing and relaxation exercises.
  • With an additional package you will receive a partial reimbursement from the health insurance, but you will soon lose 300 euros for a group course. You often pay double for a private course.
  • The course is a tool, but does not guarantee a painless delivery. To avoid disappointments, it is better not to hold on to it too much.

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Source: Baby Coming

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