Environmental bonus for e-cars: This will apply from 2023
The turn of the year will see important changes for e-car buyers. If you want to secure funding for the new Stromer in the form of the environmental bonus, you can no longer calculate with the full amount. So you should know exactly what you are doing before you decide to go electric in 2023.
With the publication in the Federal Gazette, the new funding guidelines for the environmental bonus are fixed. Shortly before the turn of the year, it is finally clear once and for all what buyers of an electric car will have to expect from 2023. All changes in the new year we have ready for you quickly and clearly:
Environmental bonus for e-cars: That will be different in 2023
- Applies to e-cars from January 1, 2023 new funding rates: The federal government pays an environmental bonus of up to 4,500 euros for a net list price of up to 40,000 euros. The purchase of an electric car that costs between 40,000 and 65,000 euros according to the net list price is subsidized with up to 3,000 euros.
- The default manufacturer share will also decrease from January 1, 2023. Up to the limit of 40,000 euros, 2,250 euros must be added by the car manufacturer. E-cars with a net list price of between 40,000 and 65,000 euros are discounted by the manufacturers by 1,500 euros.
- Eligible from January 1, 2023 only battery electric or fuel cell vehicles. Plug-in hybrids are excluded from the subsidy, since only cars that “demonstrably have a positive climate protection effect” are subsidized (source: Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection/BMWK).
- This is crucial when applying for an environmental bonus approval date. The purchase or order date is not relevant. The application can only be made for vehicles that have already been registered. Late delivery can cost customers thousands of euros, which has been criticized to the last.
- From September 1, 2023 are only private individuals are eligible. Companies or associations will then no longer be subsidized by the federal government.
- For January 1st In 2024 the environmental bonus will decrease again: Only electric vehicles with a net list price of up to 45,000 euros are considered, the discount drops to 3,000 euros. The manufacturer share remains unchanged. However, the state subsidy is only paid if the purchase price is demonstrably reduced by at least the manufacturer’s share.
With a lower environmental bonus, e-cars have an even harder time compared to combustion engines:
E-car buyers have to worry: Subsidies can be used up early
However, there is no reliable guarantee that the environmental bonus will always be paid under these conditions. It is only paid out for as long as the financial means are available. “The granting of the grant is subject to the availability of the estimated budget,” says the Announcement in the Federal Gazette. 2.1 billion euros are planned for 2023 and 1.4 billion euros for 2024. If the funds are used up before the end of the year, customers can get nothing.
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