EcoWatt –
The EcoWatt application, offered by RTE (Electricity Transport Network) will allow you to know when it is necessary to reduce its consumption and thus avoid possible cuts. At all times, clear signals will guide you to adopt the right gestures, if you can, and thus ensure the good supply of electricity for all.
Real electricity forecast, Ecowatt qualifies in real time the level of consumption of the French. At all times, clear signals guide the consumer to adopt the right gestures and to ensure a good supply of electricity for all.
It is the mission of RTE, a public company which manages the electricity transmission network, to secure the supply of all French people with electricity: by mobilizing all the electricity available in France, but also, if necessary, at our European neighbours.
Receive an alert in case of risk of cuts
The EcoWatt application will allow you to receive a notification directly on your smartphone if an orange or red signal is sent 3 days in advance. A notification can also be set to inform you within a day as soon as we enter an orange or red period.
– The green signal corresponds to the default signal of the EcoWatt device. It means that the level of electricity consumption is lower than the production available for the day and that we have sufficient margins.
– The orange signal is calculated according to the available margins. It is activated when the available production is very close to the expected level of consumption. RTE is activating all the levers at its disposal (lower voltage, shedding industrial consumption, etc.) to maintain sufficient margins. If consumption continued to increase, the margins could no longer be sufficient and the red signal could be activated.
– The red signal is activated when there is not enough electricity to cover all the needs in France. Every day, RTE forecasts the level of consumption of the French and, in parallel, the production of electricity available (and the level of possible import).
In the rare cases where all electricity needs cannot be covered, local, controlled cuts lasting a maximum of around 2 hours could be organised. The EcoWatt site would then give each French person all the information in real time to prepare for this situation.
The EcoWatt application does not collect any personal data.