
Get the next two free games

If you’re looking for free PC games, we recommend checking out the Epic Games Store regularly. This week especially sci-fi fans get their money’s worth.

In addition to exclusive games and various sale offers, the Epic Games Store also new ones every week free pc games. This includes well-known blockbusters, but also insider tips and the best thing is: as soon as you have saved them in your account, you can keep them forever. This week is about building a civilization, next week a unique 2D Metroidvania platformer awaits you.

Galactic Civilizations 3

Create a civilization that will stand the test of time. Choose from dozens of unique races and make a name for yourself in the galaxy with the help of diplomacy, espionage, technological advances and more.

You can play the game until January 28th at 5:00 p.m. to back up.

Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition

In a bizarre universe in which the oppressed are on the verge of extinction, the heroine Dandara has awakened to give her world a new shape. Epic Games describes the game as a unique 2D Metroidvania platformer full of mystical creatures.

You can play the game from January 28th from 5:00 p.m. to back up.

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Original article from January 21, 2021:

In addition to exclusive games and various sale offers, the Epic Games Store also offers new free PC games every week. This includes well-known blockbusters, but also insider tips and the best thing is: as soon as you have saved them in your account, you can keep them forever. Sci-Fi fans are currently getting their money’s worth.

Until January 21, 2021 at 5 p.m. you can download Star Wars Battlefront 2: Celebration Edition for free. From January 21st at 5pm it then continues with the classic Galactic Civilizations III:

Star Wars Battlefront 2: Celebration Edition

Put your skills to the test with the blaster, your lightsaber and the might in online and offline battles. The Celebration Edition includes the base game, all of the customization content that has been available as in-game purchases since launch, and items from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

  • Incidentally, Star Wars Battlefront 2: Celebration Edition is also available for the PlayStation and you can get the game in the store until January 20, 2020 for 11.99 instead of 39.99 euros.

Galactic Civilizations III

Create a civilization that will stand the test of time. Choose from dozens of unique races and make your name in the galaxy with the help of diplomacy, espionage, technological advancement, and more.

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