5 security tips for connecting to public WiFi

Are you on vacation, going out, out shopping, in a hotel or restaurant and need to connect to the Internet with your smartphone? You don’t get 4G/5G or you no longer have a plan, but luckily there is a public Wi-Fi network nearby. Be careful, because in your rush to connect, you may have overlooked the fact that this public Wi-Fi network could be dangerous. So before you sip your coffee and insult people you don’t know on Twitter, consider these simple site-inspired strategies. RouterCtrl to use public Wi-Fi safely…
1. Update your operating system
Operating system updates don’t just add new features to your smartphone—they fix vulnerabilities and prevent your data from being intercepted. Never forget to install a security update when offered one. Be careful, because if your phone model is too old, these updates are no longer provided. Count 5 years for an iPhone and between 3 and 6 years for an Android device.
2. Avoid bank transactions
Banking, shopping online, or trading your cryptocurrency wallet over an unsecured public Wi-Fi connection is not safe. If you’re using online banking, make sure you’re using your bank’s official app and that it offers full encryption. Likewise, use the official and secure applications for your online purchases. If in doubt, wait until you are home for this type of transaction.
3. Use two-factor authentication (2FA)
Two-factor authentication is the way you can be sure you’re communicating with the online service you’re thinking of using. Whether it’s sending an SMS to validate a transaction or using an app like Google Authenticator, use 2FA when possible.
4. Turn off Wi-Fi when you’re done
When you are done with your connection, remember to close it. Also, any internet connection sharing features — such as Windows 10 Mobile’s version of the WiFi Sense tool — must be disabled before you connect. When Wi-Fi is disabled, any attempt to drop unwanted malware on your device fails. Simply.
Also read: Best VPN 2022: comparison, tests, reviews, features, security…
5. Don’t Connect to Public Wi-Fi Without a VPN
This is the ultimate weapon to protect yourself: the VPN. This is an app that will encrypt your traffic between your device and the WiFi access point. With this device, no hacker will be able to intercept your data. It’s a drastic and paid measure (don’t trust free VPNs!), but it’s the most effective!