10 alternatives and boosters for your salary
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A salary increase: No employee should say no to that. But the salary poker does not always succeed. In our ranking, we therefore show you ten alternatives and boosters for your salary.
Employers can currently pay their employees tax-free up to 3,000 euros in inflation premiums. Converted, this can be more advantageous for the many employees than a classic salary increase.
Salary increase: This alternative is available
Because after taxes, an increase in salary sometimes results in less than the tax-free bonus. The Stiftung Warentest has also identified other alternatives to raise salaries. We present ten of them in the following ranking.
10. Public transport ticket
Suppose you earn 4,000 euros, but would like a monthly salary increase of 200 euros. But the salary poker fails. But there is an alternative that can sometimes even be more lucrative net. If you use public transport to get to work, your employer may alternatively cover the cost of your ticket. The advantage: Your employer can deduct the ticket from tax as a business expense and you can save up to 2,000 euros.
10. Public transport ticket. (unsplash.com / Charles Forerunner)
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