
016094973339 calls: Harmless number, strange callers

There are a lot of negative comments about the phone number 016094973339, but this is not the fault of the owners of this number, but of its users: similar to a knife, you can use it to smear bread or attack someone. Hard to understand? We explain to you what’s behind it.

Maybe you know Benito’s cell phone number 017650642602. This is often seen when a caller uses the marcophono web site to play a prank on someone. It is similar with the number 016094973339, except that it is actually intended as a service and not as a silly prank for children.

This time it’s not “phishing”. Here we explain what you need to pay attention to:

What is behind the phone number 016094973339?

Until 2019 there was the service “Peter pays”. Under the domain of the same name, anyone could make free domestic calls in the German telephone network. Founded at a time when telephone calls could cost a lot of money, the offer has now survived and has been discontinued.

That doesn’t mean, however, that such offers no longer exist. The offer “Telephony.com” jumped into the breach and now offers at least free phone calls of up to 5 minutes on.

And with these calls, the number 016094973339 is displayed to the called party!

So if you see this phone number, then someone who entered your number on a web page and is now talking to you, for example via a headset, is calling you.

The downside is that this not only free but also largely anonymous phone calls possible are. At the moment you don’t know who is calling you and of course some people misuse that for late annoying or threatening calls. They then end up as a complaint on the Internet.

How can you defend yourself against calls from 016094973339?

The company behind the number is legally considered a telephone service provider and is therefore obliged to provide identification data for every call. So anyone who thinks they can use the offer to emit anonymous threats is wrong.

However, the providers require that you use the E-Mail-ESB transmission method when requesting information, which is disproportionately difficult for laypeople to understand. As Netzpolitik.org reports, not even our law enforcement agencies often get it right. You can also lodge a complaint with the Federal Network Agency.

Or even simpler: Block the number 016094973339!

Unfortunately there isn’t Possibility that even marcophono offersto have your number blocked from calls from this service forever

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