
Wife expels husband after childbirth because he does not lift a finger

The first days after the birth nothing seemed to be wrong. “But on the fourth night, when our daughter Hannah was crying, my husband didn’t get up to change her diaper,” says the new mother. ‘He didn’t wake up – but I don’t think he was asleep at all. He was pretending. ‘

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The next morning she confronts him, but her husband says he really hadn’t heard the baby. “On day six,” she continues, “my husband was gaming all day. He changed one diaper. ‘


After two weeks she has had enough and throws him out of the house. He continued to sleep – or pretend – and I started yelling at him to help. I couldn’t take it anymore: seeing him lounging or sleeping while I’m awake, lacking sleep, while my body feels like a human cow. ‘

Her husband seemed genuinely surprised. “My accusations made him angry too,” she says. “He said I was delusional and hormonal.”

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Her husband then leaves for his parents’ house. In a Reddit post where the woman is pissed off, she wonders if indeed her postpartum emotions weren’t the culprit.

But the many responses she receives show that her husband is indeed the problem. For example, someone says, “Your husband has to accept that it’s not okay that he doesn’t lift a finger. He has to start working on himself or you have to get rid of him. ‘

Another calls him a terrible husband for moving in with his parents: “He should have apologized and immediately started taking care of the baby so his wife could rest or go to sleep. The fact that he went to his parents shows how pathetic he is. ‘

Yet there are also people who stand up for the man. “Has he shown any other signs of mental health problems?” Someone wonders. ‘Men sometimes also have to deal with postpartum depression. If that’s not something that suits him, maybe I would let him see a doctor. “

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