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WhatsApp believes App Store rules favor iMessage to its detriment

WhatsApp private messaging software has been forced to adhere to new App Store regulations. She quickly complained that the app store policy favors her own iMessage software.

Apple’s app store is regularly questioned by its developers and founders. A conflict of major importance broke out, in particular between the Cupertino company and Epic Games. The company behind the battle royale game Fortnite had sought to override the 30% tax imposed by the App Store on profits made. In this conflict which is bogged down, other voices come to attack Apple and this is the case of WhatsApp which cries favoritism vis-à-vis iMessage.

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iMessage benefited by the new App Store policy according to WhatsApp

On the occasion of its WWDC conference in June 2020, the Cupertino company had called for increased transparency on the part of application developers. Indeed, the latter are now obliged to describe the nature of the data collected from the users of the software. According to WhatsApp, which complied with this request, this policy greatly favors Apple’s home software, including the iMessage messaging service. Since this application is preinstalled on iPhones, it does not have to comply with the demands of the parent company.

WhatsApp also criticizes the fact that the policy put in place on the App Store does not concern the concrete protection of personal data. Very quickly, Apple responded by explaining that it would make the information available for home software for users. A section will also be added to its website to clarify all of the information collected. It remains to be seen whether the App Store will find itself in the eye of the storm and whether the decisions taken will be accepted by all.

WhatsApp believes App Store rules favor iMessage to its detriment

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