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What meaning do emoticons have on Snapchat?

Ever wondered what emoticons (or emojis) that appeared next to your friends’ names on Snapchat were? Hearts, flames or emoji who smile, what do they mean exactly? You are told everything in the following of this article.

Hearts on Snapchat

Several types of hearts may appear depending on your use of Snapchat:
– The yellow heart: it appears next to the person to whom you send the most Snaps, provided that you are also the person to whom it sends the most Snaps. If there is no reciprocity, there will be no yellow heart!
– The red heart: the red heart is similar to the yellow heart, but it means that you are now best friends since at least two weeks old
– The double pink heart: the double heart is used when you are best friends for at least two months in a row

The Snapchat emoji

– The baby emoji: you have just added or accepted this contact in your friends list
– The emoji who smiles: you are good friends, that is to say that you are one of the best friends of your contact but you are also not the “best friends” (characterized by the yellow heart).
– The “naughty” emoji: more embarrassing, this emoticon means that you are a the best friends of your contact but he is not among your best friends.
– The emoji « embarrassed “with exposed teeth appear when you touch yourself and share the same best friend. It is therefore related to the yellow heart emoji.
– The emoji with sunglasses: you have a best friend in common! This emoji is thus linked to the emoji who smiles.The Flame: It means that you and your friend are sending you Snaps several days in a row. Next to this flame, you will find the number of consecutive days during which you snap.
– The symbol 100: it simply wants to say that you sent you Snaps for 100 days in a row!
– The hourglass: be careful, your flame or your 100 may disappear if you do not rush to send a snap to your friend! To keep his flame (Snapchat talks about “Snapstreak”), there should not be any periods of 24 hours without sending you Snaps.
– The star: it tells you that your friend has replayed (replay ) one of your snaps recently, that is, he / she wanted to review your Snap a second time.
– The birthday cake: Snapchat also tells you when it’s the birthday of your friends. If you see this symbol next to your friend’s nickname, do not hesitate, send him a Snap for his birthday.

Here are the different symbols or emojis you’ll find on Snapchat. If they do not satisfy you, you can always change each of these symbols with custom symbols. The ideal when you have small delusions with your friends.

To customize your emojis, you will have to follow the following steps:
1. Access your account
2. Click on the gear symbol, located at the top right of the page and colored red
3. Go down to the half of the Settings page
4. Click on “Manage”
5. Click on “Emojis of friends”
6. You have access to most emojis of friends, all you have to do is click on the emoji you want to change and replace it with the one you like. This is the moment for you to make your creativity speak!

What meaning do emoticons have on Snapchat?

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