
We Play Live Star Trek: Borg (1996) -apkrig

In the mid-1990s, brief seduction was a phenomenon of interactive feature films on CD-ROM at the peak. In October 1996, he entered the Star Trek: Borg market from Simon & Schuster. The project was backed by an experienced team of Star Trek filmmakers and creators, and John de Lancie took on the role of the almighty creature Q. he died aboard the USS Righteous.

The player’s task is to succeed in a series of trials, often by trial and error. But whenever something goes wrong, Q snaps his fingers and lets the key moment repeat. Usually with some funny storytelling. Although the whole play was created directly in the studios where the famous series was filmed, and under the supervision of experienced filmmakers, the “lost” episode did not reach the qualities of the original. On the other hand, it has its bright moments. Thanks to the great performance that John de Lancie has traditionally performed, Borg is at least funny. Although in places maybe a little unintentionally.

From today’s point of view, thanks to the license, it is one of the better “games” that developers produced in this genre a quarter of a century ago. Later, the title also created an audiobook. Star Trek: Borg also included a digital encyclopedia called The Picard Dossier.

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