
Vortex # 152 | The origin of Xbox, the popularity of games and game characters in porn and an interview with Antonín Tripes -apkrig

We bring you the second vidcast of the new year, now in a traditional line-up and with the expected themes. Zdeněk returned to Bloomberg’s fascinating article about the creation of the Xbox console, interwoven with many (incredible) stories. Jirka looked at the statistics of the Pornhub portal, which summarized the popularity of games and game characters in the search for slightly “different” videos than the players are used to. And we also have an interview for you – this time with animator Antonín Tripes, the author of the game Rocket Boots Mania and a developer who collaborated on games such as Sorcerer 3, Quantum Break, Vigor and many others. The conversation took place at a distance, given that Tonda had recently moved to Paris, but we firmly hope that neither the visual nor the sound quality suffered.

List of topics

05:33 – The fascinating story of the creation of the Xbox console

34:18 – What games and game characters are most sought after on Pornhub

56:04 – Interview with animator Antonín Tripes, author of Rocket Boots Mania

1:31:39 – The final mishmash

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