
Uncomfortable: Google calls normal man ‘serial killer’

A man named Hristo Georgiev was shocked when his photo appeared above that of a known serial killer.

Imagine, you are at a job interview, your new in-laws or a viewing of a new house. The authority in question just throws your name into Google and then shouts it out. Google says you’re a serial killer. A fun story for parties but quite uncomfortable at the time. Let that just now apply to the Swiss Hristo Georgiev.

Google calls Hristo Georgiev a serial killer

Hristo Georgiev shared the absurd story on his own website, after which a HackerNews forum worked on it (via AndroidAuthority). A former colleague of Georgiev sent him an email containing the shocking report that he turned out to be a serial killer. At least, that’s what Google claimed.

In fact, a completely different Hristo Georgiev was actually a Bulgarian killer. He was executed in 1980. Our Swiss Hristo Georgiev saw his photo appear above information of the real serial killer on Google. Since they have the same name, Google tries to present the most interesting information. Whichever way you look at it, a serial killer can beat a normal man fairly quickly.

However, it is quite shocking that a photo of a normal person can be associated with such a gruesome Wikipedia article. Meanwhile, Google has already solved the blunder and Georgiev is no longer known as a serial killer. Incidentally, there are – even in the Netherlands – a lot of other men with exactly the same name. Hopefully their photo never appears above that of a convicted murderer!

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