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Top applications to make life easier for the disabled

The applications available on our phones reflect our company: 95% are useless. This figure is not based on any scientific study, but on the only feeling of your servant and therefore only commits him. But it is clear that between those which rejuvenate, those which facilitate the emptying of your bank account and the others which make you believe that to make disappear three by three of the colored balls is the pinnacle to justify its passage on Earth, we are not very spoiled by this plethora of offers which nicely flirts with zero interest.

This is why today, we will rather focus on the useful – because it also exists even if it is well hidden – by doing a quick overview of smartphone applications that can make life easier for people with disabilities.

Suitable for all

Jaccede allows you to find suitable places according to the handicaps.
Jaccede allows you to find suitable places according to the handicaps.

It is indeed possible to be helped by almost essential apps so that those who suffer can have an easier life and in accordance with their difficulties.

Jaccede allows you to find suitable places according to disabilities. Each search can be made according to special criteria, be it, for example, the size of an aisle, the presence of automatic doors or toilets accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Same postulate for I Wheel Share which it is based on collaboration since information is added by users. Cinema, disabled sports club, public toilets,… More than 200,000 information awaits you there.

Streetco acts as him Participatory GPS, since users report anything that could prevent you from crossing a street. Closed road, pavement under construction,… You will be able to calculate your route in complete safety.

To fight against the invisible

Some disabilities are obvious, but others are harder to spot at first glance. Some applications can therefore serve as an intermediary between people from all walks of life.

AudioSpot allows in this to guide the disabled according to their profile, whether it is a visual impairment or other. If you approach a bus stop, the application will give you the timetables, adapting to your need to discover the information.

” I want “ facilitates exchanges by offering many pictograms to show if you have difficulty making yourself understood in another way.

Roger-voice proposes, she, to automatically transcribe the oral calls you receive into a message. This allows you to read and so respond by following. Always for the deaf and hard of hearing, Ava is a real-time captioning solution. The deaf or hard of hearing person who has downloaded the application to their phone can invite one or more people to join their conversation via a simple link sent by messaging or e-mail. The interlocutors can then discuss directly and the remarks will be captioned instantly on the phone of each participant. Face to face, the user just has to bring the microphone of the smartphone near the mouth of the interlocutor to subtitle his remarks.

As for Be my eyes, it allows blind people to receive help from sighted volunteers who accompany them to describe to them live what they cannot see.

In specific cases

JustBip is very convenient for the disabled who can drive a car. It allows you to identify the service stations where someone will come to help you refuel without you having to get out of your vehicle.

Finally, even if it is not specific to the profile of people with disabilities, My Super Neighbor can help you get in touch with a Good Samaritan in your town who will help you out.

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