
this is how you share your real-time location with family and friends

You can share your real-time location in Google Maps with, for example, the home front. This way they know exactly when you are home for the roulade. In addition, you can also share your expected arrival time, location and route with your appointment. android world explains how this works.

Share real-time location with Google Maps

You can share your expected arrival time, route and location with your contacts in Google Maps. You can also share this data with others via WhatsApp, Messenger or Google Chat. This way you can also reach people who are not in your contact list. Sharing with a group is also possible in this way. Handy if you have an appointment with a client, or if your friends are waiting for you in the pub. They will immediately see where you are and how long it will take you to get there.

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So with ‘Location Sharing’ in Google Maps you can choose who can see your location and how long you want to share your location. Would you like to give it a try? Then follow the steps below.


  1. Open the Google Maps app
  2. Tap your profile picture, then tap Share location -> Share with someone
  3. Choose how long you want to share your location
  4. Tap the profile of the person you want to share your location with

Do you want to stop sharing? Then tap the profile of the person with whom you no longer want to share your location. Choose here to darn.

Share estimated time of arrival with Google Maps

Once you start navigating while driving, walking or cycling, you can share your destination, estimated time of arrival and current location. The person you share this information with can track your location until you arrive. That works as follows:


  1. Open the Google Maps app
  2. Set a destination for your route and start navigation
  3. Swipe up the menu at the bottom and tap Share trip progress
  4. Choose a person or an app from the list6
  5. Tap on To share
  6. Location sharing stops when you stop navigation or reach your destination

More Google Maps tips

Earlier we also explained how you can plan your trip with Maps, how you can look up places much faster with this trick and how you can use the app without an internet connection. Maps also makes it easy to find petrol stations on your route and we recently discussed six tips for Maps that you really want to know. Be sure to also check out our best Google Maps alternatives.

Maps: Navigation and public transport

Maps: Navigation and public transport

Google Maps is Google’s popular application when it comes to maps and navigation. Google Maps includes free detailed maps from all over the world that ..

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