
This app will help you with that

The Ökoheld app wants to support consumers in using green electricity better and more effectively. As a result, the CO2-Emissions are reduced. In our article we explain how the app works.

In order to pay more attention to sustainability when it comes to electricity consumption, it is worth planning consumption more ecologically. The app ecohero helps: With this you have in view, when and how much green electricity is produced in your region and fed in (source: Bayernwerk). You can then decide when it’s worth turning on the washing machine or charging the electric car, for example.

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Power consumption: Using renewable energies correctly

The Ökoheld app was developed at the end of 2021 by Bayernwerk AG, a Subsidiary of the energy group E.ON, developed. Bayernwerk is involved in the energy networks, energy generation, but also, for example, the drinking water supply and waste disposal in Bavaria (more information at Bayernwerk.de). With the help of the app, consumers should be able to better assess when electricity will flow wind, hydropower, photovoltaics and biomass is produced.

Because: Even if you get electricity from a green electricity provider, that does not automatically mean that pure green electricity comes out of your socket. Rather, the electricity from renewable sources is delivered over the same grid as electricity from fossil fuels.

With Ökoheld, Bayernwerk wants to draw attention to the problem that due to this electricity mix regionally generated green electricity is not always completely consumed becomes. By using green electricity in a targeted manner as a consumer, you use energy more sustainably. In addition, this promotes energy transition – i.e. the greater use of renewable energies and renewable raw materials.

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Ökoheld: Registration and functions

All you have to do to register is your zip code indicate. You then have the option to turn on notifications for the app. If you agree, you will receive push notifications as soon as energy is generated from 100 percent renewable sources during the day. One However, consent to the notifications is not mandatory necessary.

After this brief setup, you have various functions available: On the home screen you can see when the daily “Eco times“ are – i.e. the times when a lot of green electricity is produced. For this you will also receive the CO2-Emissions displayed. Under the item “Calculate CO2 Saving” you can click on the device that you want to turn on or charge (e-car, washing machine, smartphone, etc.). This will tell you how high your CO2-Saving is.

With Ökoheld you can see the current share of renewable energies in your area (Image source: GIGA)

In addition to the home screen, there is the function forecast: This shows you the weather for the next few days and how the eco times and CO2-Emissions affected. Also, there is one in the app Overview of the energy mix. As I write this article, it consists of in Berlin 73 percent renewable energy: 41 percent wind power, 19 percent photovoltaic, 9 percent biomass and 4 percent uncategorized renewable energy. The remaining 27 percent comes from fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Finally, you will find your profile on the far right. There you not only see your private CO2-Saving, but also the sum from your region.

The screenshot shows the energy mix in Berlin according to the Ökoheld app.
Ökoheld shows you the energy mix in your region (Image source: GIGA)

Downloadable for Android and iOS

The Ökoheld app is available in both the Google Playstore and the Apple Appstore. The app is rated well on both platforms: It gets 4.5 stars in Apple’s Appstore and 4.0 stars in Playstore.

Fall for using the app no costs you can use all functions completely free of charge. With regard to the data, care is taken to only query the user information that is really necessary – i.e. the postal code. Should yours change zip codeyou can easily adjust them under the settings in your profile.

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