
The official Xiaomi website is disguised in Czech. What does it mean?

Xiaomi’s official website, located at, has started for domestic visitors display in Czech language. This progress probably means that the company, among other things, plans to communicate better with its current and potential customers in the Czech Republic. And it may also change the local distribution channels, which are not quite easy for the average customer to read. Xiaomi web in Czech it works very limited so far, which is quite annoying in some situations.

At the moment, the Czech homepage contains primarily a slideshow (rotating banners) with three selected mobile phones – Mi 11, Redmi Note 9T and Redmi 9T. Separate product pages are available for the last two. The videos at the bottom also work. But they are different other buttons on the home page “deaf”And lead back to the homepage. The vast majority of offers in the top menu, which is listed at the top left as Mi Czechia, then lead to unfinished pages. Which ends with the well-known bug 404. Xiaomi web in Czech thus promises an interesting shift in the future, but so far it is more of a pain.

For example, if you want to look at the product pages of different devices, there is a big problem with normal page browsing. It is not easy to access the complete Xiaomi device catalog from the Czech website, which is automatically loaded after entering It is then necessary, for example enter the address manually We are very curious what the final form of the site will look like and what exactly is behind its construction.

What do you think Xiaomi intends to do in the Czech Republic?

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