
The most viewed Bitcoin videos

What are the most viewed Bitcoin videos on the internet? We looked it up for you.

Cryptocurrency is still booming. With big companies embracing it (or like Tesla to some extent, it has become mainstream in 2021). Do you see that reflected in the videos on the internet? Or is it mainly the older videos that still do well on YouTube? In short, time to take a look at what exactly are the most viewed Bitcoin videos. Bitcoin, because it is the most famous cryptocurrency in the world. Check out the top 5 below!

Spoiler alert: almost all videos have one thing in common. The principle of crypto is explained. These are the most viewed videos when you search for Bitcoin on YouTube.

5. How does a Blockchain work? – 5.8 million views

This YouTube video from Simply Explained was uploaded in November 2017. So it’s an older video, but still works well!

4. How Bitcoin works in 5 minutes – 6 million views

In case you want to know what Bitcoin is, but you don’t really have time for it. This video from CuriousInvester claims to be able to explain the principle in five minutes.

3.What is Bitcoin? – 6.7 million views

In the short but powerful category. This video from WeUseCoins takes a minute and a half and explains it very quickly. Apparently a lot of people want to know what it’s like in as little time as possible.

2. But how does bitcoin actually work? – 9.3 million views

The explanation of Bitcoin by YouTuber 3Blue1Brown. The previous two videos in this list were from 2014. This video is from 2017. Not the newest, but popular.

1. Cryptocurrencies: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – 16.4 Million Views

The absolute number one, with a large distance from the other candidates in this top 5. Cryptocurrency is discussed in a major American television show. At a level that anyone can understand. No wonder this is a hit on YouTube. And the most watched Bitcoin video of all videos.

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