
The Expanse is a great space series from the future. Will you give him a chance?

If you love the space opera genre, you are probably one of those who would like more. There are few quality space movies and series, and we would all like to see more. Although Netflix had some attempts, such as Another Life, which did not have bad effects, but it was a poor script and did not dazzle with acting. But The Expanse is different and it is undoubtedly one of the best, if not the best space opera series.

Editor’s note

We are writing about tips for interesting Netflix or HBO GO series because it is becoming increasingly popular to watch them on phones and tablets. Sometimes we play the series ourselves in bed or in the car. It occurred to us because we could share our tips with you. Applications for both platforms are available on Google Play.

The Expanse is a great space opera

The plot of The Expanse takes place about 200 years in the future, when humanity was able to colonize most of the solar system. However, it is starting to boil between Earth, Mars and the other colonies, and Detective Miller, who was born in the Asteroid Belt colony, is given a difficult task. He has to find Juliet Andromeda Mao. While performing this task, he encounters Jim Holden, an officer of the cargo ship Canterbury, which mines ice at Saturn’s rings and delivers it further. She later discovers that they have much more in common and that she Julietta can be a key element of all mankind.

It would be a shame to spoiler anything else for you, so we won’t do it. Let’s just point out that in addition to a well-written story, we also appreciate the effects and acting performances. The series has a total of five seasons, the first of which was released in 2015. The second and third series are the best for us, which is definitely the most exciting. The series is currently only available on Amazon Prime Video.

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