
The Division 2


Two Months. Such a time stands between us and the release of the sequel to The City Division 2. The farewell, snowy environment, we were enjoying New York. A second divisional agent trip heads southwest to the capital of the United States of America. Sunshine Washington, D.C. today may attract crowds of tourists, but at the time of the apocalyptic, it has turned into a war zone.

While in New York you have been facing cleaners in anti-radiation suits, Washington, D.C. you are waiting for armed magoists from ordinary people who have decided to take things into their own hands. Such groups, of course, will find more and, as it happens, they are not just in love. The street of the city with the headquarters of the president was a civil war


This is the main reason for your transfer and the core of the story that is revealed in the new trailer. It does not sound particularly original or engaging, but so far we can only blame video. The game itself can only surprise you with a twisted plot, which we will not forget. The Division 2 is still two months away, but you’ll be able to see the story in February if you’re courageous or lucky

Courage is the preorder of the game. It will give you access to a closed beta that runs from February 7 to 10 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Happiness is then meant an invitation received by selected individuals without a pre-order after sending a request for access.

The Division 2 will be released on March 15, so the results from the closed beta can still be reflected in the final product (if there are any bugs, weapons will be unbalanced, etc.). The Division 2 can not buy through Steam but only through the Ubisoft Store and the Epic Games Store.

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