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The benefits of the Kanban method for creating a digital project

The effective management of digital projects is of crucial importance in a world where digital transformation has become essential.

The Kanban method

The Kanban method is an approach to project management which finds its origins in the Japanese automotive industry, more precisely in Toyota, in the 1950s. From then on, it spread in many fields, including the creation of digital projects. Kanban is distinguished by its visual and pragmatic approach, which simplifies task management and significantly improves productivity. Follow this link to discover the advantages of the Kanban method.

The Kanban approach is inspired by lean principlesaiming to eliminate waste and maximize added value for the customer, avoiding unnecessary work and focusing on high value tasks.

The fundamental principle of the Kanban method is based on the visualization of the workflow. Concretely, this translates into the use of Kanban boards, also called visual boards or scrum boards. These tables generally consist of three main columns: “To do”, “In progress” and “Done”. Each task or element of the project is represented by a card or a note, which is moved from column to column as it progresses.

Agile methods, including the Kanban method, promote flexibility And adaptability in the development of digital projects, to respond effectively to the changing needs of customers. The Kanban method aims to optimize productivity by limiting the number of tasks in progress, thus contributing to better concentration and improving the quality of work. It also emphasizes collaboration and communication, providing clear visibility into task progress for better coordination and reduced delays and errors.

The benefits of the Kanban method for creating a digital project

The Kanban method offers many advantages for the creation of a digital project.

Clear workflow visualization

The Kanban method uses visual boards to represent the different stages of the project, so the whole team clearly sees the tasks in progress, those to come and those already completed. Kanban boards reorganize easily tasks based on new priorities or new information. Visualization makes it easier to understand the overall progress of the project and improves collaboration within the team.

Workload Management

Kanban limits the number of tasks in progress at any given time. This avoids work overload and the team thus concentrates on a reduced number of tasks at a time. By reducing multitasking, Kanban promotes:

  • better quality of work;
  • a reduction in errors;
  • an increase in productivity.

Reduction of delays and obstacles

The Kanban method highlights possible delays or blockages in the workflow. By quickly identifying issues, the team takes corrective action to effectively resolve them. By adopting the Kanban methoddevelopment teams take advantage of its agile and iterative approach to deliver projects faster, more efficiently and more satisfyingly for the end customer.

Resource optimization

By limiting the number of tasks in progress, the team avoids wasting time and energy on non-priority tasks. THE resources are concentrated on the tasks that matter most, to get results faster and more efficiently.

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