Android updates

Stop Wild Dumps –

This application, proposed by the association Stop Décharges Sauvages, will allow you to see the location of each wild dump already reported, to see all the collections already made, to access the files of all the dumps, but also to transmit new reports. .

More than 220 reports distributed throughout the territory have already been made.

Operation when sending a report:
– Attach a photo from the app.
– Characterize the wild dump by specifying its estimated volume and the types of waste present (Plastic, Rubble, Wood, Concrete, Metal, Green waste, Glass, Tires, Household waste, Clothing, Appliances, Waste or hazardous products, …) .

The association will be in charge of implementing all the new wild dumps that will be proven (if possible with supporting photo) and will send the coordinates to the town halls and public services in order to have them cleaned.

If you participate in citizen cleanups, do not hesitate to send your photos of site pickups through the application. This will show that it is possible to do great things and that it is possible to clean up the planet!

Stop Wild Dumps

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