Microsoft has announced a limited edition of the Xbox Series X and released it for pre-order – but scalpers ruined the release of the new console in no time.

Xbox Series X

For the upcoming release of Halo: Infinite Microsoft has presented a limited edition Xbox Series X, which is all about the popular shooter franchise: With one chic space design and a matching pro controller you are well prepared for the sci-fi adventure without question – or at least this would be the case if the console weren’t already sold out in advance and scalpers offered it online at brazen prices.

Xbox Series X: Scalper Ruin Release

The limited edition Xbox Series X should be shortly before the Halo: Infinite will be available for Xbox fans on November 15th be. But as many had expected, the rush for the console was so great that it can no longer be pre-ordered at the moment.

At the moment, the console is still presented on the Microsoft website, but gamers can only pre-order it through one portal – eBay. Because as with the “regular” versions of the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 have apparently pre-ordered numerous scalper copies of the console and thus secured for resale – although it has not yet appeared.

Check out the limited edition Xbox Series X trailer here:

Halo: Infinite Limited Edition Console Out of Stock

The “Halo: Infinite” Xbox Series X is offered on the Microsoft website for the fair price of 549 euros. On eBay, however, the scalpers’ advertisements look a little different, of course. This is where Halo fans have to go take at least 740 euros (940 including shipping) in your hand, but most of the offers are only available from 1,000 euros and up. (Source: eBay)

In our photo gallery we show you 30 top games that will be released for Xbox in 2021:

Unfortunately, it looks like scalpers won’t be disappearing from the gaming industry anytime soon. Releases of consoles and other hardware will probably continue to be accompanied by scalpers – and limited editions in particular are likely to be affected by the problem.