
Public transport in Edinburgh should be climate neutral by 2030

The impending consequences of climate change are increasingly leading to rethinking current processes and procedures. Cities or even entire countries are trying to sustainably reduce their ecological footprint, new technologies are helping to a large extent. This is also how it should happen in Edinburgh. There, the local city administration has decided to make local public transport climate-neutral.

Many ideas were collected for this during a campaign in 2018. These included the improvement of the public transport offer, the expansion of bike and footpaths and the development of a sufficient charging infrastructure to make the use of electric vehicles more attractive. Some of the improvements are now being implemented

Local transport is becoming increasingly electric.

These include the expansion of trams and rapid transit systems, the improvement of bus routes and the establishment of a central point to monitor traffic. So-called mobility hubs are also to be introduced. An efficient change from means of transport A (for example car sharing vehicles) to means of transport B (for example eScooter) can take place at these stations.

The planned measures are to be implemented step by step, and the benefits for residents and commuters are to be checked regularly. If an idea is not so well received, alternatives can be quickly considered and implemented.

Many electric buses are already making their rounds around the world.

Behind this is also the £ 1million strategy of the National Transport Authority of Scotland. Here, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) services are to be promoted and implemented throughout the country. Better customer focus is also in the foreground, travelers should be informed as quickly as possible about disruptions and be guided to alternative routes. So it will be exciting to see what amenities Scottish citizens will experience in the future.

Own opinion:

Scotland shows what the general direction should be. Wherever possible, customers should switch to local public transport; in remote locations, e-mobility could be an interesting alternative for many residents. Either way, the feedback gained from the project can certainly also be used in this country. Because when it comes to mobility, the wheel doesn’t have to be reinvented every time.

via Cities Today

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