Protranslate – The Best Method for Translating Your CV into English
Every day, recruiters receive dozens of CVs in English from a number of candidates. To choose the new collaborator who will integrate their team, these recruiters are obviously very meticulous and every detail counts. The slightest mistake is severely sanctioned and, generally, CVs in English are often sidelined for reasons of erroneous translation. When translating your CV, it is also important not to mix American English and British English.
If you want to put all the chances on your side, your CV and your cover letter written in English must be irreproachable. Otherwise, the recruiters will soon put your application in the pile of “recalés”. It is for this reason that the translation of your CV into English must be done by a person with perfect command of the English language and who has a good knowledge of English CV preparation techniques (keywords, CV morphology, etc.). ). If you do not have such a person at hand, there are other methods of CV translation like – CV Translation Services .
methods to translate your CV into English
Generally, there are three main methods of translating CVs into English. Each method has advantages but also negative points.
• Automatic translation service: here we are talking about online translation software which, for the most part, does not guarantee any quality of service. However, some automatic translators can make a difference, even if knowledge of English is still required. These translation services are free for some and pay for others. The price remains affordable.
• A translation agency: Another way to translate your resume into English is to go through a translation agency. These agencies put at your disposal a professional translator who masters perfectly the English language. Passing through a translation agency guarantees a certain quality of work, but at a fairly high price.
• A platform of professional translators: the advantage of a translator platform, unlike an agency, is that it can reduce costs while providing a quality service.
Of all these methods, the most interesting is the translation platform to translate your CV into English.
Translate your resume to ProTranslate
ProTranslate is one of the leading online translation platforms. Here, the price of the translation depends on the number of words contained in the document. Generally, an English CV includes between 300 and 1000 words. ProTranslate offers an unbeatable price. Each translated word will cost you 0.06 euros compared to translation agencies where the price of the translation to the word will vary between 0.12 and 0.25 euros.
ProTranslate thus offers a quality service to very affordable prices. In addition, translators work only in their mother tongue, which they master perfectly. Thus, you can also obtain your CV in languages other than English on ProTranslate.