Android updates

ICE GeoAlert – In case of emergency

ICE (for In Case of Emergency) is an application that will allow you, in serious situations, to immediately alert all your loved ones with geolocated alerts using a fully secure connection.

– By breaking the ICE emergency window, your “Alerts” will immediately know the nature of your emergency (by notification, SMS and / or e-mail) and the exact location where you are.
– Quickly view the service status of the functionalities: In green, they are activated; in red, they are disabled.
– Be easily identifiable. By accessing your account where your personal information is stored (photo, last name, first name, etc.) and the contact details of the first people to contact in an emergency.
– Your health record always with you. The application allows you to record your medical information so that in the event of an accident, the emergency services have immediate access to your current treatments and your medical history.
– Tracking mode, to transmit your geographic positions to the Cloud ICE and select an alert trigger time.
– If you deactivate tracking before the selected time, no alert will be sent.
– If tracking is always activated after the selected time, alerts are triggered, your geographical positions from the start of your route are sent to your “Alerts” until you deactivate it.
– Secure, easy and accessible Cloud ICE connection from any computer station (login + password) allows self-management of your account. It is through the cloud that you can ask people to “Alert” and accept requests from your “Alerters”. You can also complete your profile to allow the emergency services to identify you quickly and your health record so that they have useful information in the event of an emergency.

Daily :
– Send your geographical position so that your acquaintances can reach you without difficulty.
– Instantly exchange chats with loved ones in the cloud.

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