How to deactivate the location tracking of Android apps
No time right now?
Android users don’t have to worry about apps with location trackers. The function can easily be turned off under Android 10 and 11 – that’s how it works.
Many iOS and Android apps have a function that reads out location data from the smartphone. In some applications, this feature makes perfect sense, and is even necessary – such as map or navigation apps such as Google Maps and Tomtom, but also other services from the areas of mobility, photography or even dating. They use our location data to find vehicles in the vicinity, to show where we have taken a photo, or to identify potential partners in the area. Even radio apps can access our location data so that they can show us local stations and save us time and nerves in finding the right station.
Location tracking under Android: keep your eyes open when installing the app
Unfortunately, numerous apps misuse this function in order to earn money with our data. This is why such an interface is sometimes even integrated in free games, flashlight or calculator apps. Apple and Google are these practices a thorn in the side of some developers. That is why they have been ensuring in their operating systems for years that not every app can collect our data and turn it into money.
For years, Android and iOS have therefore offered the option of specifying whether or not apps are allowed to receive information about our location. On Android, for example, the installation process asks whether an app can access the smartphone’s location data. Instead of simply pushing the authorization requests away quickly, users should look twice for each application to see which permissions they are granting them.
Location data and more: Android 10 and 11 allow granular settings for apps
Since Android 10 (with Apple iOS 13), Google has integrated improved settings for granular allocation of location data and further authorizations. For years, the only option was to allow apps to access the location or not.
With Android 10, for example, there was the option of only allowing apps to access location data when the app is being actively used. This prevented applications in the background from recording the routes and locations of the users unnoticed.
Do not always allow everything. After installing the app, the user of an Android smartphone is asked which permissions the app should have. (Photo: t3n)
With Android 11, Google also consistently continued the expansion of privacy: the new OS version received one-time authorizations for apps, which can also be found in iOS 13. The user can grant applications a one-time authorization – not only for accessing the location, but also for the microphone or camera. As soon as the app is no longer used, it automatically loses access to the relevant interfaces. The application must ask for permission the next time it is used.
In addition, the permanent location query in the background is made more difficult for developers. If you want permanent access to the location data on the smartphone, you have to get the user to want to activate the corresponding setting manually. The previous dialog window when starting the app for the first time is no longer sufficient. In addition, Google requires that the app must fully inform the user why permanent location sharing is required.
How can I set the app permissions on Android later?
If you accidentally made the wrong selection of permissions when installing an app, or if you want to check and change them again afterwards, proceed as follows:

Access via the quick settings in the notification bar: There are many ways in Android to the location permissions settings. (Screenshots: t3n)
Pull down the notification bar, look for the setting “location” and do a long press on it. Now the corresponding settings open, in which you can see an overview of all installed applications that can access your location. In addition, they are usually sorted according to their authorizations. Alternatively, you can access this overview via the system settings, but it is hidden quite deep in the folder structures: You can find it under “Apps and notifications”> “Advanced”> “Authorization manager”> “Location”.

Access via quick settings: There are many ways in Android to the system settings for location permissions. Another option is via the app info. (Screenshots: t3n)
At the top you will find the apps that you have granted unrestricted location access in the overview. These include applications that you have only granted access to during active use, followed by apps that have received a one-time authorization – the latter option can only be found under Android 11. Finally, you will find all apps that you have denied any location access.
If you want to change the authorizations for an app, tap on the corresponding application and the “Authorization ‘Location'” dialog opens. Depending on the Android version, you have different options to choose from. Under Android 10 you can choose between “Always allow”, “Allow access only while using” and “Deny”. Android 11 also offers you the option “Ask every time”. With older versions you will only find “Reject” or “Allow”. Often these options are enough to lock out apps that absolutely do not need access to your location. You should also think about whether you should leave an app on the device that asks you for your location for no reason.
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