
Here’s how to reset the For You feed on TikTok

Users can now reset their TikTok feed if the suggested videos no longer seem relevant to them. The social media service thus gives users the option of deleting the previous algorithm.

About a billion people worldwide use TikTok. The content that is displayed on the start page in the app’s for-you feed is individually tailored to each individual.

However, it is not uncommon for users to feel as if the algorithm is stagnating thematically and the topics displayed are no longer appropriate. TikTok has now come up with a solution for this.

Restart: TikTok users can reset their feed

TikTok recently introduced a new one function that allows users to reset their For You feed if the suggested videos no longer seem relevant to them.

This means they can now view content again as if they had just registered. Depending on what they react to, the social media service suggests other topics.

Here’s how to reset your TikTok feed

The new feature is intended to complement the existing settings options already available to the community to customize their experience on TikTok, the company said. And don’t worry: At the same time, the new feed option does not affect other settings that have already been selected.

Reset TikTok feed: Here’s how

Users who want to reset their TikTok feed can do so in the menu under “Settings and data protection”. In the “Content Settings” section, they can click on the “Update your For You feed” tab.

Here the app informs the user again what will change with the reset. If you now click on “Next”, you will get to the “Update” button. Now the TikTok feed will be irrevocably reset.

TikTok’s reset option wipes algorithm

The new feature initially appears to be similar to the previous pull-down menu update option. However, users could only update their feed in this way based on the current recommendation algorithm. However, the algorithm itself was not reset.

However, users who reset their TikTok feed irrevocably delete their algorithm and can react to displayed content again and thus design their start page.

The new feature should be available to everyone in the coming days. To use them, users should update the TikTok app on their device.

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