
hellotaste becomes a lifestyle brand as a result of the relaunch [Anzeige]

A relaunch is always associated with work for companies. Then there is the crucial question: Is the work worth it and are we successful? The hello button Founding duo Joella Feldhues and Jesko Dannemann, which specializes in low-calorie vegan sauces, took the plunge in spring 2023. In an interview, they tell us how they managed to become a lifestyle brand through the relaunch.

BASIC thinking: Hello Joella and Jesko, nice to meet you! You are the founders of hellotaste. With your products you show that sauces don’t have to be unhealthy calorie bombs – how did you come up with that?

Joella Feldhues, co-founder of hello button: We had the idea for hellotaste in 2019 while on vacation in the USA. We were impressed by the variety of products in American supermarkets, which take into account all dietary preferences – including “sugar-free” or “no added sugar”.

We definitely wanted to close this niche on the German market: low-sugar sauces with good nutritional values ​​that can easily keep up with the popular “originals”. So we started designing our own recipes and looking for suitable producers.

The hellotaste founding duo: Joella Feldhues and Jesko Dannemann (Image: hellotaste)

In the spring of 2023 you then decided on a relaunch with rebranding. What was the reason for this?

Jesko Dannemann, co-founder of hello button: Of course, the true value of a product lies in its taste – but also in its appearance. For our contemporary products, we wanted to create a contemporary design that would stand out on the supermarket shelf – a modern feel-good lifestyle product.

The packaging is now no longer transparent as before, but in millennial pastel. Our 17 different sauces result in a captivating spectrum of colours. To do this, we rely on flat illustrations on the packaging and concise claims such as “Cocktail Fun, Anyone?”, “Yummy, Sweet Honey” or “Oh Qui Curry”.

A relaunch is a possibility for subsequent optimization

What lessons were you able to draw from the relaunch?

Jesko Dannemann: The development of the perfect design was certainly the most important process. It wasn’t just about creating a beautiful look for us, rather all USPs and a clear difference to the competition had to be recognizable. It also became clear to us that a relaunch always offers the possibility of subsequent optimization.

If companies are also faced with the decision to carry out a relaunch: What tips can you give along the way?

Jesko Dannemann: It is essential to precisely define the target group beforehand, to analyze the market and to challenge your own ideas. How are purchasing decisions made? In what ways can you stand out from the competition? What features help you stand out in any case?

What are the most important values ​​of hellotaste? Is a healthy lifestyle the priority?

Joella Feldhues: Of course, a healthy lifestyle is our top priority, although enjoyment must never take a back seat. For us it’s clear: You don’t have to be the best version of yourself all the time, but it’s good to have an awareness of improving everyday routines so that you do yourself and those around you good. We want to support this mindset with hellotaste so that nobody has to do without, but can simply leave it out – no sugar, no unnecessary stuff and no compromises when it comes to taste.

Companies should keep their finger on the pulse

With every sale of a hellotaste product, you support Arche Deutschland eV. Why did you decide to do this?

Joella Feldhues: The vision behind the cooperation with Arche Deutschland eV is that we would like to give something back to the people who urgently need sustainable change and support. For us, lived inclusion, which enables people with and without intellectual disabilities to live together on an everyday basis, is a matter close to our hearts.

What do you say: How do companies manage to turn their own brand into a lifestyle brand?

Joella Feldhues: You should keep your finger on the pulse, be open to new things, value the opinions of others, but not blindly follow a trend that is currently in fashion, but take the initiative yourself. Design is becoming more and more important and therefore, in addition to a convincing product that meets the needs of the customer, you should definitely put a lot of time and creativity into product design.

Find out more about hellotaste here

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