
Google Earthquake Warning Points. Filipinos cheer

It’s the kind of feature you hope you’ll never need, but when it comes to it, it should work perfectly reliably. In this case, we are talking about earthquake warning, which Google began uploading to Android last August. The principle is simple: Accelerometers in a large number of phones detect vibrations and send anonymous location information to the server. That one will alert people around you. In April this year, another seven supported countries were added to the list, including one that currently welcomed the system. Philippines.

There was a 6.7 magnitude earthquake in the Tingloy area, and a warning from a Google application proved to be very effective. “It was hellishly accurate! The notification arrived a few seconds after the start, “describes a woman from the affected area. “I’m super impressed with how this notification works on Android. I heard the announcement, read it, and literally felt it shaken in 10 seconds, ”Describes another Filipino.

Google intends to upgrade these notifications to the best earthquake warning system worldwide. There are currently only a few countries on the list of supported countries and the Czech Republic is missing, for example, but this year the number should increase rapidly.

Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Where?

Source: 9to5

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