
From now on, it is easier to change passwords in Chrome

Google Chrome may already help you manage passwords, but that is now even more convenient and user-friendly.

With the latest update to Google Chrome, it is now easier to change passwords. Users of Chrome’s password manager get some new options and extra help from Google itself.

Chrome helps you with passwords

With Chrome 88, managing passwords via the browser becomes even easier. Google has already helped you remember all your different passwords. Now you even get tips on how to best adjust them.

By clicking on your profile (round photo at the top right) and then on the key, you will see all the new options. For example, there is a new button called Check Passwords. Google will then give you tips on which codes should be adjusted.

Speaking of which, from now on it is all possible in one screen. Via the same screen you can immediately update all your usernames and passwords. For example, say one of your accounts has been hacked. The update not only allows you to see where you may or may not have used the same password. You can also adjust them directly.

The update for Chrome should be online with all users on PC and iOS. For Android users, the new password features will be rolling out very soon. Oh, and if you want even more online security in addition to the Chrome password manager, check out 8 ultimate password tips here.

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