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FMV, the return: the interactive film The Gallery soon available on iOS (trailer)

Screened in a real theater in England, The Gallery inaugurated a new form of cinema, the interactive film (Full Motion Video / FMV for video games) with sequences and narrative paths chosen directly by the audience. Here, the spectators choose the scenario option proposed by raising a light stick of two different colors (one color for the choice inscribed on the right, the other color for the choice on the left). Over 150 choices are offered throughout the film.


The scenario of The Gallery is a dramatic camera: an art curator is held captive by a portrait painter who threatens to detonate a bomb unless his demands are met. Directed by Paul Rashid, a specialist in the FMV game (we owe him The Complex and Five Dates), The Gallery is well above the genre average. The actors play fair and the general realization does not give the impression of dealing with a band with nickel-plated feet filming with their smartphone. Good news therefore, The Gallery is about to land on our iPhones. The interactive film will be available in the App Store (but also on Android, consoles and PC) somewhere in April.

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