
Fly yourself in a jetpack in a few years. Fiction or reality?

Image via Leigh Coates

Super cool, being able to fly yourself with a jetpack. The technology is moving so fast that it would be possible for us to fly with it ourselves.

In recent years, the development of jetpacks has gone fast. We know it from cool movies, but at the moment several armies are already using it. Jetpacks have thus become a reality.

Flying in a jetpack

The jetpack is now mainly used by armies. They are used, among other things, for rescue operations or reconnaissance. The BBC reports that according to experts it will be possible to fly yourself in the future. It will be an experience you pay for. Sure, it won’t be a gadget that we all have in our shed. You can’t, you have a motorcycle on your back and you go up in the air. There are all rules to that. Don’t forget about safety either. The device is also expensive and this will not change in the future.

But, according to the experts, it will become possible to fly with them or even to be able to fly themselves. It is becoming more ‘main stream’.


This is expected to become possible within five years. You have to pay a lot to fly with a jetpack. Prices to experience such experiences can cost as little as 5,000 euros. It is unlikely that the Netherlands will be one of the first countries where this is possible. Our airspace is relatively full and our country is densely populated. America and England have places where this can be much easier.

For now we can only enjoy the images of the Dutch army. They tested a few months ago with a revolutionary flight suit.

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