
Eva Simons candid about a violent birth: ‘I was completely out’

In RTL Boulevard she looks back on the difficult birth.

‘Just fix this’

Eva Simons saw it before herself: that birth is going completely by the book. “It was actually my approach of well I’m that primal woman, I’ll fix this,” she says. But that didn’t go according to plan. After her waters broke, it took almost three days for the contractions to start. And then it suddenly got hard. At least it seemed so. “I thought: I have some time, but suddenly those contractions came every minute. I couldn’t even get in that car, it was so intense. So I thought: well, I’m going to give birth so soon, it’s going to be so chill.”

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Both fever

But in the hospital, the opposite turned out to be true. “Those contractions came, came, came and I was not dilated. It was only two centimeters. Still ten hours later,” Eva continues. And then it went downhill: Eva and her baby both developed a fever. “Her heart rate went to almost 190 for three hours. I was completely out of the morphine and I know a lot about what I had been given. He [Sebastiaan, red.] then made the decision: the caesarean section has to come now, because we actually don’t have time anymore.”

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On a pink cloud

After an intensely difficult delivery, daughter Rosie Nova was born on March 1. The singer is now sitting on a pink cloud. “It’s so much fun being a mom. I am completely in love with this little miracle,” she says. “You’ll do anything for this little person.” Baby Rosie is doing really well. “The pregnancy was quite difficult and the delivery was also very difficult, but then you suddenly get this blessing after that and that everything is okay. That’s so nice,” said the proud mother.

Source: RTL Boulevard

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